2 kg daging
50 gr bawang goreng
40 bawang putih cincang
40 gr bawang putih goreng
50 gr garam
40 gr gula pasir
15 gr merica
20 gr vetsin (kalau suka)
200 gr kanji
4 butir telor
2 sdm baking powder
2000 cc air + 2 bungkus kaldu sapi instant , agar basonya lebih gurih.
1. giling 3 macam bawang plus, garam, gula dan vetsin sampai halus.
2. Dalam baskom campurkan dengan daging yang sudah dalam keadaan dingin (dari lemari es semalam). Uleni dengan tangan, asal campur saja.
3. Bagi daging dalam beberapa bagian, masukkan dalam Food Processor setiap bagiannya, giling sampai lembut.
Jangan terlalu banyak masuk dalam FP agar hasilnya bagus.
4. Dalam baskom setelah semua halus, masukkan juga kanji/sagu, dan baking powder , uleni lagi sampai tercampur rata.
5. Bagi dalam beberapa bagian, giling dalam FP sampai semua bahan tercampur rata.
6. Simpan dalam lemari es selama minimal 6 jam.
7. Bulatkan baso dengan bantuan telunjuk dan jempol, dipotong dengan sendok, cemplungkan pada air yang sudah hampir mendidih
Jaga agar air tidak sampai mendidih, apinya sedang saja
8. Masak Baso hingga mengapung, angkat dan tiriskan.
2kg beef, minced,
50g fried shallots,
40g garlic cloves,
40g fried garlic,
50g salt,
40g sugar,
15g pepper,
20g vetsin (a kind of MSG), optional.
200g tapioca flour,
4 eggs,
2 Tbs baking powder
2000cc + 2 sachets of instant beef powder or fresh beef stock (bones inserted to get a good flavor) plus a pinch of salt
Process (or grind with mortar and pestle) fried shallots, garlic cloves, and fried garlic together with salt, sugar and vetsin until smooth (that will make a paste). Mix this paste to another bowl together with eggs and cold minced meat. Mix well.
Divide the minced mixture into several portions. In food processor, pulse each portion until smooth (be patient, do not overload your food processor or it'll break). After all done, mix in tapioca and baking powder. Mix well.
Divide the mixture into several portions again, then pulse each portion until smooth. Set aside and keep in the fridge for at least 6 hours.
Roll the mixture with your pointer and your thumb, scoop it out with a spoon, then put it into a pot of hot water (I use broth) which is almost boiling, on a medium heat. Wait until the meatballs are floating on the surface of the water, then with slotted spoon, remove and set aside. (I freeze them until further used).
Source: Estherlita's Baso Sapi
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